Building self-direction for online learning

Self-Directed Learning Workshops

Building self-direction for online learning

Why self-directed learning? Early research on online learning and blended learning suggests that the key to success in these learning environments is self-direction or self-regulation. Many students, even the brightest students, lack this key characteristic. In fact, recent research suggests that this may be the most important personal quality for success in education and beyond. Fortunately, that same research finds that this characteristic is extremely malleable and teachable.

The professional development that Metiri provides will prepare teachers and district leaders to activate this research in the context of blended learning environments. Research-tested tools and strategies for promoting self-regulation have been repurposed by Metiri for use in online learning and can become a key component of your transition to these exciting and efficient new learning environments.

sdl_graphicIn one high-performing Midwestern school district, district leadership was concerned with a portion of the student population, approximately 15% of the total population, that were relatively low-performing despite showing evidence of ability. Teachers reported that these students seemed to simply lack the motivation and self-regulation required to take charge of their learning. Over two year, Metiri worked with a group of administrative and teacher leaders to develop and implement a well-resource professional development program in promoting self-regulation that included:

A training of local trainers in each building, building capacity to deliver professional development and support at the building levels

A comprehensive, online library of background materials, student scaffold tools and other resources to allow all teachers to implement the strategies provided in the professional development

A scope and sequence to guide a consistent and comprehensive implementation of those strategies

A periodic, formal assessment of self-direction that resulted in the ability to document changes in self-regulation in all students, but focusing particularly on the target population of students lacking this key learning skill

At the end of the second year of implementation, the district was able to document a statistically significant increase in self-directed behavior in that target population, a finding that was supported by a large body of anecdotal evidence from both teachers and parents, a rare result in 21st Century Skill initiatives!

About this professional development

The Building Self-Direction for Online Learning professional development is for educators who want to motivate and prepare students for success with self-directed learning in their blended learning or online courses.

The Building Self-Direction for Online Learning professional development is is offered via a blended learning model, with face-to-face modules at your location combined with online learning. This professional development can be organized in a way that meets your individual needs, as a one-day workshop or as multiple days, depending on your professional development goals.

Participants will:

  • Learn why self-direction is the key to students’ success with blended or online learning
  • Learn 10 key research-proven strategies for actively building self-direction in students; off or online along with scaffolds and online tools for implementing these strategies.
  • Explore how to leverage student formative assessments to promote self-directed learning
  • Understand how self-directed behavior unlocks other 21st century skills such as critical thinking, creativity and effective collaboration

In addition, Metiri will provide all participants with access to an online assessment of self-regulated behavior that not only provides participants with a snapshot of the levels of self-regulation in their students, but can also be used for program evaluation purposes. This assessment has undergone rigorous psychometric validation and has been used in projects with tens of thousands of students across the United States and internationally.

Metiri Group has provided powerful professional development on Self-Directed Learning and other 21st Century Skills for over a decade with individual districts, regional consortia, and statewide initiatives.

Other options: Metiri presenters are available to consult with agencies that are considering initiatives in self-direct learning, but need additional background and information before moving forward.

For more information: contact Ed Coughlin