Digital Learner: Persistence




Get access to the self-directed, personalized course on persistence. Explore background knowledge, strategies, and much more in multiple formats. Users will be able to complete a brief assessment to download their personalized certificate of completion. At the end of this course users will be able to:
– Identify what it means to be persistent.
– Discuss with their students why developing persistence is important.
– Integrate strategies to foster persistence.
– Teach their students these strategies, and share the goals of using those strategies.
– Reflect on their own practice that promotes persistence and their own ability to persist.

Long term, according to research reported by the U.S. Small Business Administration, about half of all new businesses fail in the first five years, and only one-third survive beyond the ten year mark. Stories abound of entrepreneurs who failed, often multiple times, before they succeeded. With approximately a half-million new businesses opening every year in the United States, there are a certain number of persistent entrepreneurs who are launching a new venture with a new idea despite their previous failures. Those who learn from their prior mistakes and persist are those who have the potential to be successful. In this course we will provide a strong foundation of background knowledge on persistence and summarize strategies for classroom use.