Digital Learner: Tolerance for Ambiguity
Get access to the self-directed, personalized course on tolerance for ambiguity. Explore background knowledge, strategies, and much more in multiple formats. Users will be able to complete a brief assessment to download their personalized certificate of completion. At the end of this course users will be able to:
– Identify what it means to be tolerant of ambiguity.
– Discuss with their students how increasing his or her tolerance for ambiguity can be beneficial.
– Integrate strategies to foster a greater tolerance for ambiguity.
– Teach their students these strategies, and share the goals of using those strategies.
– Reflect on their own practice that promotes a greater tolerance for ambiguity and their own ability to be tolerant of ambiguity in various situations.
Roughly 50% of entrepreneurs fail within the first five years of starting a business. One of the top documented reasons for that failure is that they wait to bring their idea, product, or service to market until they are 100% ready. They start with an idea, they move forward with that idea, and do not deviate from the path, even if data and future-customer feedback tell them otherwise. Research on entrepreneurship suggests that this failure to deviate from the path is essentially intolerance for ambiguity. This course focuses on helping learners increase their tolerance for ambiguity and provides educators with the background knowledge and strategies to help improve learners’ tolerance for creative, multifaceted work.